SKKN Khó khăn trong dạy và học ngữ âm trong các tiết dạy “Language focus” sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 11 và một số giải pháp

SKKN Khó khăn trong dạy và học ngữ âm trong các tiết dạy “Language focus” sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 11 và một số giải pháp



The importance of English has been admitted all over the world by the large

numbers of people using it as either the official language or the primary language.

English is considered as the third most common primary language in the world. In

Vietnam as well, English is becoming one of the vital keys to get success in their


Nowadays, English has become one of the compulsory subjects at school

from primary to upper-high school. In order to use English effectively,

pronuciation should be paid attention more to reduce the limitation of

communication among vietnamese students because of their lack of confidence in


Moreover, as being seen from the fact , pronuciation is paid less attention

compared with vocabulary, grammar and language skills in language teaching and

learning English at upper- secondary school. Therefore, students are often shy and

unconfident to speak english. They are usually afraid of pronouncing incorrectly

So, how difficult are students facing with when they learn

pronucition?What activities should be used to teach pronucition effectively? How

should teachers make students become interested in learning pronunciation? They

are burning questions for many teachers of English. The answers to these questions

will help teachers improve students’ pronunciation knowledge and help them to

make progress in communication. For the above reasons, I decide to investigate

“Difficulties in teaching and learning Pronunciation in Language Focus

periods – English 11 and some solutions”

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o make mistakes when they pronouced these 
sounds. In the lesson, it is necessary to identify the difference between them for 
students to understand. Then some followed activities will be added to make the 
lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 60% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Avtivity 1 : Introducing the sounds 
- /l/ is pronounced with a large flap of the tongue. The best way to make it clear 
that you aren’t pronoucing /r/ is to bend your tongue as far back as you can in your 
mouth, and flick it forward as you can say /l/. 
- /r/ is pronounced by moving your tongue as little as possible when making the 
sound. When you pronounce /r/, the tongue never touches the palate. The tongue is 
placed further back in the mouth. 
- /h/ is pronounced with the tongue low in your mouth. This is a voiceless sound. 
Activity 2: Practicing with words 
Teachers say the words and students tick the sounds /r/,/l/ or /h/ 
- Teacher’s worksheet 
/l/ /r/ /h/ 
- Students’ worksheet 
Listen and tick the sound you hear 
1. r □ l □ h □ 
2. r □ l □ h □ 
3. r □ l □ h □ 
Activity 3: Practise reading aloud these sentences 
1. Hello, Mr.Allen. You’re early for lunch. It’s only eleven o’clock. 
2. I’d like a plate of salad, a glass of lemonade, a slice of melon and some jelly, 
3. Laura is a really pretty librarian in the public library. 
4. Her parents own a restaurant in a country in Central Europe 
5. Hello, Harry. Have you heard the news? There’s been a horrible accident. A 
helicopter has hit Helen’s house. 
6. Helen and her husband will have to spend their holiday in hospital. 
Game: Line game (Who’s more fluent?) 
Students are divided into groups of 6 students. In turn, Two groups will stand in 
lines to play the game. The pairs of each group will read aloud the sentences. Then, 
the one pronouncing correctly will come back their seat. In the end, the group that 
finishes first will win the game. 
Unit 4: The pronunciation of the consonant /w/ - /j/ 
Objectives:They are glide and voiced consonant sounds . Therefore, in some ways, 
students are easily to make mistakes between them. In the lesson, it is necessary to 
identify the difference between them for students to understand. Then some 
followed activities will be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 80% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Distinguish the different between two sounds /w/, /j/ 
- /w/ is voiced sound. It is pronouced by closing the mouth. And then, it is lightly 
opened until the sound /w/ is pronouced. 
- /j/ is also voiced sound. It is pronouced by raising the middle part of the tongue 
against the centre of palate without touching it. 
Activity 2: Same or Different 
- Teachers will say a pair of words consisting of the sounds / w/ , /j/. Students will 
have to say whether these words have the same or different beginning sounds. 
- Students will be divided into groups of 4 students. They will have a worksheet to 
write down S (same) or D (different). After practicing, teachers will collect the 
worksheets and check the answers. 
Teacher’s worksheet 
1. Whale / use 2. Yes / years 
3. Wine/ wet 4. Young/west 
5. We/york 6. Wheel/use 
Students’ worksheet 
Activity 3: Drilling sentences 
1. We went for a walk in the woods near the railway. 
2. We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep warm. 
3. At about twelve, we had veal sandwiches and sweet white wine, and we 
watched TV. 
4. Excuse me. Did you use to live in York? 
5. Did you use to be a tutor at the University? 
6. I read about Hugh in the newspaper yesterday. 
Game: Who is better? 
Ask each pair of students to read aloud the sentences. Then, The teacher will 
decide who is better.The person who reads better will get a sticker. 
Unit 5: The pronunciation of the consonant /pl/ - /bl/ - /pr/ - /br/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 70% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1.______own 2.________ue 3. ________ay 4. ________actice 
5.______ide 6. ________ack 7. ________ouse 8. ________enty 
9. ______easure 10.________other 11.________ead 12.________oad 
Game: Bingo 
- Teacher will read the sounds and students have to recognise to fill in the blank. 
- When the teacher finishes reading the sounds, the student finishes first and says 
Activity 2:Find words that contain sounds / pl/,/bl/,/pr/,/br/ 
Game: Face to face 
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 4-5. Each group will have time to 
list the words containing the sounds. Then, each presentative of the groups will 
stand face to face in order to list the words out in turn. In the end, the group that 
lists more words will get the highest mark (20). Other groups will get the mark 
from 5-10-15, relatively with their order. 
Activity 3: Sentence Drilling 
Students will practise the dialogue in pairs. Then, each pair will read aloud. 
A: Brian, what is Bretty presenting on Sunday? 
B: She’ll teach us how to play English pronuciation games 
A: Are you going to prepare for it? 
B: Yes, my brother is going to play the guitar and I’ll sing the blues. 
A: What clothes are you going to wear,Pretty? 
B: Black brown blouse and jeans 
A: How about a small present for Bretty after her presentation? 
B: Please bring something not very precious. 
Unit 6: The pronunciation of the consonant /tr/-/dr/-/tw/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 80% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1.______affic 2._______in 3. ________ink 4. ________ive 
5.______inkle 6. ________oops 7. ________ess 8. ________elve 
9. ______opical 10.________eadful 11.________enty 12.________ousers 
Game: Bingo 
- Teacher will read the sounds and students have to recognise to fill in the blank. 
- When the teacher finishes reading the sounds, the student finishes first and says 
Activity 2:Find words that contain sounds / dr/,/tr/,/tw/ 
Game: Face to face 
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 4-5. Each group will have time to 
list the words containing the sounds. Then, each presentative of the groups will 
stand face to face in order to list the words out in turn. In the end, the group that 
lists more words will get the highest mark (20). Other groups will get the mark 
from 5-10-15, relatively with their order. 
Activity 3: Sentence Drilling 
Game: Line game (Who is more fluent?) 
- Students will practise reading the sentences individuals. 
- Then teacher will ask students to stand in 2 lines. They will read aloud the 
sentences in turn. The person who reads more fluently will come back to his.her 
seat. Others have to do back to the end of the line until they read correctly. 
- The group which finishes first wins the game. 
Unit 7: The pronunciation of the consonant /kl/-/gl/-/kr/-/gr/-/kw/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 80% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1.______ean 2.________ean 3. 
4. ________ueen 
5.______een 6. 
7. ________ass 8. ________aim 
9. ______ound 10.________ass 11.________uality 12.________uggle 
Game: Bingo 
- Teacher will read the sounds and students have to recognise to fill in the blank. 
- When the teacher finishes reading the sounds, the student finishes first and says 
Activity 2:Find words that contain sounds /kl/,/gl/,/kr/,/gr/,/kw/ 
Game: Face to face 
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 4-5. Each group will have time to 
list the words containing the sounds. Then, each presentative of the groups will 
stand face to face in order to list the words out in turn. In the end, the group that 
lists more words will get the highest mark (20). Other groups will get the mark 
from 5-10-15, relatively with their order. 
Activity 3: Sentence Drilling 
Students will practise the dialogue in pairs. Then, each pair will read aloud. 
A: Didn’t you go to the cricket club? 
B: Yes, I did go to the cricket club. 
A: Was it crowded? 
B:Quite crowded. 
A: Was Greg there? 
B: Greg was there, yes. And Robert Queen was there, too. 
A: Does Robert Queen like cricket? 
B: No, he doesn’t. He quarrelled with Greg. He went to the pub and drank some 
glasses of beer. 
A: oh dear! 
B: Mm.Shall I take your clothes to the cleaner’s? 
Unit 8: The pronunciation of the consonant /fl/ - /fr/ - /θr/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 70% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1. ______uit 2.________y 3. ________y 4. ________ive 
5.______ough 6. ________ower 7. ________ozen 8. ________ow 
9. ______ow 10.________u 11.________eaten 12.________oat 
Game: Bingo 
- Teacher will read the sounds and students have to recognise to fill in the blank. 
- When the teacher finishes reading the sounds, the student finishes first and says 
Activity 2:Find words that contain sounds /fl/ - /fr/ - /θr/ 
Game: Face to face 
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 4-5. Each group will have time to 
list the words containing the sounds. Then, each presentative of the groups will 
stand face to face in order to list the words out in turn. In the end, the group that 
lists more words will get the highest mark (20). Other groups will get the mark 
from 5-10-15, relatively with their order. 
Activity 3: Sentence Drilling 
Students will practise the dialogue in pairs. Then, each pair will read aloud. 
A: Don’t throw these little flags onto the floor, Fred. 
B: Oh, I’m sorry, Florrie. I’ll pick thm up. 
A: That’s all right, Fred. And are you hungry? Dinner’s ready. 
B: Oh,good!What shall we have for dinner today, Florrie? 
A: We’ll have three dishes: French fries, fried fish and cauliflower. 
B: Good! I like all three of them. What about dessert? 
A: I’ve made a fruit cake. But first, have some fruit juice. It’s good for your throat 
and keeps away the flu. 
B: Thanks, Florrie. 
Unit 9: The pronunciation of the consonant /st/-/sp/-/sk/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 80% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1. ______eak 2.________ill 3. ________op 4. ________and 
5.be____ 6. a_____ 7. di_____ 8. cri______ 
9. ______eedy 10._____ool 11._____eech 12.du_____ 
Game: Bingo 
- Teacher will read the sounds and students have to recognise to fill in the blank. 
- When the teacher finishes reading the sounds, the student finishes first and says 
Activity 2:Find words that contain sounds /fl/ - /fr/ - /θr/ 
Game: Face to face 
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 4-5. Each group will have time to 
list the words containing the sounds. Then, each presentative of the groups will 
stand face to face in order to list the words out in turn. In the end, the group that 
lists more words will get the highest mark (20). Other groups will get the mark 
from 5-10-15, relatively with their order. 
Activity 3: Sentence Drilling 
Students will practise the dialogue in pairs. Then, each pair will read aloud. 
A: Ladies and gentlement...... 
B: Speak up, Stanley! 
A: I stand before you.... 
B: Speak up, Stanley! 
A: On this School Speech Day.... 
A:Do speak up! 
A: Stop shouting, Stanley! 
B: And I speak for both my wife and myself, when I say..... 
Unit 10: The pronunciation of the consonant /sl/-/sm/-/sn/-/sw/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 80% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1.______ave 2._______art 3. ________allow 4. ________ack 
5._____ing 6. ______ell 7. _______eep 8. ________eeze 
9. ______im 10.________im 11.________ooker 12.________oke 
Game: Bingo 
- Teacher will read the sounds and students have to recognise to fill in the blank. 
- When the teacher finishes reading the sounds, the student finishes first and says 
Activity 2:Find words that contain sounds /sl/-/sm/-/sn/-sw/ 
Game: Face to face 
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 4-5. Each group will have time to 
list the words containing the sounds. Then, each presentative of the groups will 
stand face to face in order to list the words out in turn. In the end, the group that 
lists more words will get the highest mark (20). Other groups will get the mark 
from 5-10-15, relatively with their order. 
Activity 3: Sentence Drilling 
- Students will practise the dialogue in pairs. Then, they will read aloud in turn. 
A: Is Snowy at home? Snowy Smith? 
B: He is sleeping. Go away. 
A: Sleeping? Where? 
B: In there. Why do you smile? 
A: Perhaps Snowy is in there. But he is not asleep. 
B: I swear he is sleeping. 
A: When Snowy sleeps, he snores but he looks sweet. 
Unit 11: The pronunciation of the consonant /ʃr/-/spr/-/spl/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 80% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1.______ead 2._______ed 3. ________een 4. ________it 
5.______ay 6. ________ash 7. ________ill 8. ________utter 
9. ______ightly 10.________imp 11.________ine 12.________ay 
Game: Bingo 
- Teacher will read the sounds and students have to recognise to fill in the blank. 
- When the teacher finishes reading the sounds, the student finishes first and says 
Activity 2:Find words that contain sounds /ʃr/-/spr/-/spl/ 
Game: Face to face 
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 4-5. Each group will have time to 
list the words containing the sounds. Then, each presentative of the groups will 
stand face to face in order to list the words out in turn. In the end, the group that 
lists more words will get the highest mark (20). Other groups will get the mark 
from 5-10-15, relatively with their order. 
Activity 3: Sentence Drilling 
Game: Line game (Who is more fluent?) 
- Students will practise reading the sentences individuals. 
- Then teacher will ask students to stand in 2 lines. They will read aloud the 
sentences in turn. The person who reads more fluently will come back to his.her 
seat. Others have to do back to the end of the line until they read correctly. 
- The group which finishes first wins the game. 
Unit 12: The pronunciation of the consonant /str/-/skr/-/skw/ 
Objectives:They are consonant clusters which consists of two or more consonants . 
They are pronounced together as a group of sounds. Some followed activities will 
be added to make the lesson more interesting. 
In order to make students easy to understand and remmember them. Here are some 
suggested activites in the class to modify the sound in an interesting way. 
Feedback: Students understand the sounds deeply. They can identify and 
pronounce them correctly. After doing the listening exercises, 70% of the students 
found that they felt more confident when they speak with others,especially 
Activity 1: Listen and write the sound in the gap 
1.______are 2._______eam 3. ________eet 4. ________ong 
5.______ew 6. __

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